Investment Recovery

Investment Recovery refers to the process of maximizing the return on investment through the active management, sale, and disposal of excess, surplus, or obsolete assets. This process aims to recover the value of investments that may no longer contribute to a company’s operations or objectives. Organizations typically engage in investment recovery to improve cash flow, reduce costs associated with maintaining underutilized assets, and enhance financial efficiency.

The core activities involved in investment recovery include assessing the value of surplus assets, determining the best method for disposition (which could include selling, recycling, or donating), and managing the logistical aspects of transferring ownership. Successful investment recovery can involve auctions, online marketplaces, or direct sales to other businesses.

By effectively implementing investment recovery strategies, companies can streamline their asset management processes, reduce waste, and contribute to sustainability efforts by repurposing or recycling assets. Overall, investment recovery plays a critical role in financial management and strategic planning within organizations.